Fresh Burgundy Black Truffles

Fresh Burgundy Black Truffles - 1oz only $60

This wonderful black truffle is appreciated throughout the world for its delicate aromatic flavor with a hint of hazelnut. The delicious hand-picked Fresh Burgundy Truffles that are now available to order originate from the finest Italian sources and are shipped directly to your door.

Burgundy truffles are picked in season from September to the end of December and are widely used as a great source of delicious truffle flavor to any dish. Fresh Burgundy Truffles taste great in a sauce made from adding the truffles to hot oil, with a touch of garlic and seasoning. then spread over bruschetta or added directly to pasta, meat or fish.

We recommend using soon after you receive these Burgundy truffles for maximum freshness. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 weeks.

Note: Estimated delivery time will be 2-3 business days from day of order.


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