What do fresh truffles taste like?

Never tried truffles and wondering what they taste like? Here at Only Fine Foods we often come across this question and to be completely frank with you, it's one of the most difficult questions to answer definitively. Taste, like all our senses, is a very personal matter, and truffles (rather like blue cheese and olives) are not necessarily everyone's 'cup of tea'.

Describing the taste of truffles is a mystery in itself but you'll usually hear words such as pungent, earthy and aromatic to sum up the overall flavor of truffles. Some experts believe that the first time you taste truffle in a dish it awakens something unfamiliar in your taste buds and then the next time you try it you will actually taste it on a deeper level.

If you're anything like our trusted truffle hogs you may just go crazy for the subtle yet surprising taste experience offered by fresh truffles and will begin to crave the aromatic earthiness of freshly-hunted truffles!